How Mobile Apps Can Make Your Business Run Better

Nokia Cell Phones have been a big part of the mobile device industry. Users have the option to schedule tasks into 4 categories, (Today, Tomorrow, Upcoming, and Someday) making it fun to plan tomorrow's blog post and someday's vacation. One of the leading project management tools, Trello helps you visualize all of your projects in one clean interface.

The tool is becoming popular with teams who want to see projects in multiple views. Habit List gives you the tools to focus on creating healthy habits and move away from the bad ones by keeping you focused, motivated and on track to reach your goals. Its review capabilities can be used to remind you to take the time to get back up to 40,000 feet and ensure your ground level tasks and 10,000 foot projects are moving you toward your larger goals.

If you create tasks from your email and want everything to seamlessly integrate, Google Calendar may be the best fit for you. These apps are often associated with the game category; but here it has nothing to do with simple time-wasting. Much like Google Drive, this is a suite of apps that all work together to bring you one cohesive experience.

But where Things is more simplistic and includes carefully considered constraints, 2Do offers the ability to tweak what you see in the app and how you use it. It's similar to OmniFocus in that regard, but with a nicer looking UI. If OmniFocus is the second choice for the power users, 2Do is the second best choice for everyone else.

When your trial is up you can choose to subscribe to the No Ads, More Apps” BlackBerry Hub+, to continue using all the BlackBerry apps like Contacts, Notes, Tasks, and Device Search. Assign a status to each task within a project, each checklist, subtask, or whatever Productivity apps your chosen app supports.

Instead of jumping out of Slack to keep track of things in your project management tools like Trello, you can integrate boards with dedicated channels to create and manage tasks while you are working, then check things off as you get them done. Lumen Trails brings the best of all the habit trackers into one app, and gives you great reporting and quick notes in case you need them.

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