A Simple Key For Gun Safety Unveiled

We are aware that our current system does not work, our kids are being murdered, and also in our deadlock where our politicians have been owned by lobbyist money, we see nothing but deflection and misdirection. It's gotten so bad, that today we have take and high school children being made to stand on Washington. Enough is enough. The opportunity to Rise Up is now and require action.

We are better than this, there's a path ahead, there is common ground, and our future depends on it. We will need to be coming together so we can look for an answer or approach before another life is accepted to put these issues on the table at a way. Our children are being murdered in our colleges. rise up Lives will be lost before we do it? The timing for common sense reform and change has become.

I have always been a powerful advocate for civil rights and equality, it's something very near my heart. This song is aimed right at those who have been bullied, people suffering religious discrimination or persecution, the population, and of course the racism that is still well and alive in our nation.

We are all the New Kids, we're the vessel for change. There's a disconnect between this generation , and people fighting to suppress that motion. This polarization stems from a fundamental disagreement that is philosophic. There are people who believe in equality for everybody, and those who do not. The song proved to be a literal and figurative megaphone of,"Hey, we are not going anywhere, we're here to stay, we've got the numbers, and we will fight."

That is a rally telephone, this is really a call to action, this is our time to come together.

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